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Posts posted by Uth

  1. Has anybody else liked "The Unexpected Visitor" as much as I did? :unsure: The track is a pure bliss! :rolleyes:

    Every time I listen to it, it puts me into such pleasant and warm vibe it's hard to forget.


    This album is wonderful! Definetly shpongle lovers wet dream. :lol:




    Hell I'd even give it an 11 :lol:

  2. I f'n!!!! hate OTT!!!!!!! This album just never does it for me, sounds too clean and polished. I have been listening to it for 4 years on and off, every time I run away from this I tell my self 'maybe I was in a bad mood'.


    And IMO, this in no way resembles Shpongle...it's very Otty!=unnatural and lame.


    2/10 :angry:


    Haha It's funny you don't like clean and well-made polished music. :lol:


    This album is definitely in the top 3 best of all time for me. :rolleyes:

  3. Ok now I am starting to understand what people mean by "It grows on you". I find this album more enjoyable with each listen. Very relaxing.


    Amazing background music for sure... :)


    Great release.

  4. You can also listen to Puff Dragon's (Steve Good) brilliance in quite a different form, as Double Dragon with the unbelievably dense and beautiful album "Continuum". A far cry however from this mellow and easily accessible (although great) piece of chillout.


    Thanks mate... will check it out. :rolleyes:

  5. Just randomly dug this album up from my brothers old library and gave it a listen. I can't stop listening since! This album is AMAZING. Especially tracks #2 Qi Gong and #8. Shimmer. Both masterpieces.


    I definitely recommend this album a listen! Totally awesome stuff. :clapping:


    I would love to hear more music from Puff Dragon. :rolleyes:

  6. - Good use of pads, sounds nice 'n thick. Bird samples sound good too, no low quality here

    - the kick really sucks :-( needs more low and definitely more mid, but I think the best way to do it is just to create a new one!

    - bassline needs some work too, but maybe that's just because of the kick, don't know. Can't hear it that well in the parts where there are melodies.

    - nice melodies and cool story bro'! Nothing really new but that doesn't matter - would like to hear more of such things! :)


    = Thumb goes up!


    Thanks mate! I gotta agree... the kick really does suck. :blink: And the bass needs work. I'll definitely do some more work on the mixing. :)


    Thanks a lot for feedback.


    Any more opinions are very much welcome. :rolleyes:

  7. From a composition standpoint it's pretty good. Just a couple sound aspects I don't like:


    - The kick is a bit too soft and squishy.

    - There's a really low frequency sound that comes in around 4:26 that is kind of useless; it just muddies up the overall sound without adding anything good to the track.


    Thanks a lot for feedback... Will fix. :)


    Anymore opinions?

  8. Hey everybody,


    Just wanted to hear what some of you think of this tune I made a while ago, Its the first track I ever did in this genre and never really got a good idea of what people thought of it. :unsure:

    It's sort of a ambient/up-tempo laid back track.


    Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZYQPVTYZ


    So what do you think? Would you think it would be cool if I did more tracks in this genre. :lol:


    Thank you guys for everything. :)



  9. I have just listened to the album and I must say it great. This is not the best shpongle work however, very experimental and crazy... really not where the shpongle origins came from. I would say this is a mix between younger brother and hallucinogen and less of shpongle. But still, the production and the overall quality is awesome.


    I give it 9/10


    Looking forward to the new Younger Brother album.


    I would love another Ott album! :rolleyes:

  10. I hear that there's at least two other elements that need to be done for these compilations from Altar.


    So that means we got Air, Water, Fire...


    What's next? Earth? I can't think of any other elements (my brain's drawing a blank <_< ).



    Anyway, this is a great comp. Love every song on it! Can't wait until the next one. :)


    Yes Earth and Ether are the remaining ones. :)

  11. All of these artists (well, UTH I don´t know about, since I have´nt heard anything from [him?] before)have the potential to make masterpieces though. I would for example love to hear Chronos make a new track like "Mayan artifact (twisted breaks mix)" or Aes Dana make a new "Summer lands", but I guess it´s not that easy being that perfect all the time... :)


    I will be following the upcoming Altar record´s releases with thrill and anticipation.


    Working ;)

  12. Thanks Uth for bumping it and LLB of course for review ;] I gave it a try. This is really good stuff i've never heared about.


    Yea it's a shame actually. This was one of the best albums of 2008 for me... I'm sure others out there have enjoyed this as much as I did. :rolleyes:


    Be very interesting to hear what others think. :lol:

  13. Thank you very much for the excellent review! I have listened to this album many times and I could confirm that this is the strongest compilation of Altar in my opinion. :)

    Chronos track is just beyond words. Amazing.


    Thank you Zen for this yet another wonderful compilation! -and giving me an opportunity to be in it. :rolleyes:

  14. I got this software for free with my sound card.... Installed it, tried to figure out what the hell it does... never really got a hold of it. I still don't even know what it is really used for. Maybe others use it? I would like to hear what others think. :lol:

  15. What I'm telling you is an established, irrefutable fact that any audiophile knows. There's nothing to "disagree" on, there's only denial. Unless you can explain how it's a low quality rip, you're just blowing smoke out your ass.


    There are two things you can challenge:

    1. The source: Claim it wasn't taken from the CD or original WAVEs. Tell us where it was taken from, for example a vinyl, a cassette, a radio broadcast, a live recording... what?

    2. The processing: If you think it was transcoded carelessly, which is against scene rules, common sense and rarely ever happens, then prove it by showing us what is wrong in a spectral analysis.


    Otherwise just stop talking.


    You are talking as if you have uploaded the album... I don't care much If I'm wrong or not. I do not rip or upload albums for free on the net. I really couldn't care much for your trolling either.


    Enjoy life mate. :)

  16. I would hardly call a 320kbps mp3 release lower quality. If you do a test you will be unable to tell the difference between that and the original WAVEs.


    The samples on Twisted's website are only 192kbps. There WILL be an audible difference between listening to those and the original WAVEs. The leaked quality is extremely superior to the samples quality. Consider yourself refuted.


    They're comparing it to other music which doesn't require a hundred growing attempts before it can be appreciated. If you listen to random noise enough times it will start to grow on you too. :rolleyes:


    With everything you said I disagree, just like anything you said previously... on this post. Just thought I should say that. :P


    About the MP3's that were leaked... It all depends on the rip. If the rip is bad, then the quality difference between the original would be noticeable... But if it is decent, then it would be difficult to BUT still possible.


    Shpongle still deserves to be listened a couple of times to imo... even if it's not ones style. It's just music that you gotta come to appreciate some day. Of course, that's just my opinion :) .

  17. Seeing Simon crying about people leaking the album and not buying it on the Twisted forums made me think it is even more gay.


    You are an idiot. Twisted is in a deep financial trouble. Would you be angry if you just finished an album that you've been working for 3 YEARS, and you are almost at bankruptcy.... and some fuck head took your un-released album and put up some shitty ass MP3 on the net for free download.


    Not only that the people find a nerve to go back to fucking twisted website and review the album ALREADY, but also bith about the sound distortions FROM the MP3's as well!!!


    You should be ashamed of yourself.

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