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Status Updates posted by Caffein:me

  1. yeh, got quite alot. don't like kindzadza either though - there's something off about it.

    if you liked the indian samples try psykovsky - lastbus madrus btw, classic :)

  2. haha, y thank you

    glad you dig it (^.~

  3. I can still feel, but they are not feelings for me. They're just words. Love and hate, who cares?

  4. I don't feel.

    That;s the great thing. Free from feelings. Yihhaaa!!!!

  5. that's my svartskalle. google kawaks 1.59 and find a place to download it, then.. add my msn sauropsyda@gmail.com :P

  6. Hehe, thanx. Where would we be without photoshop..? ;)

  7. Carnage! The previous pic I had is the second best I've ever seen, but it was too big for my sig. I don't actually follow todays marvel, but I know a lot about the universe :)

  8. with a 3-month delay i have come to tell you i tracked down the pink-haired sausage girl anime; it is called "aria the animation" & is just about the cheesiest cuddliest anime around. highly recommended.

  9. You should start reading Derleth too. My second favorite!

  10. He wasn't gay at all, he was just extremelly shy and very closed character. :)

  11. Did you read it? Fuckin* psychedelic, isn't it?

  12. Re Illuminaughty: no, I will be frantically trying to string together a thesis in October.

  13. Haha...thanks! We had something in common, for a moment. Damn youngster (: I'll make it up for you sometime.

  14. Excellent. As instructed, I will leave behind the pants.

  15. I need a strong cup o' coffee! Can you hook me up?

  16. who doesn't like food so... ;-)

  17. meh.. avatars are soooo 2007 :P

    youre the 2nd person to ask why it's so big. Well, with big people comes big responsibility and big comment boxes!


  18. Haha yeah it would be more insulting if I said anything politically correct, trust me. I'm all reversed when it comes to that, my best friends are sons of bitches. Work is ARhghgahgharehghahassshahaghahg but yeah it pays :P

  19. farsi tanha zabani ast ke man harf mizanam :)

    i guess you speak Urdu, no?

  20. nope :)

    i'm persian...moved to southern california almost 2 years ago (hence the poor engrish!!!! ;))

  21. i probably am :D

    dude, i did some intense googling to figure out what the heck svartskalle means !!!! but yeah, we carry the bestest of the best human genes...

    how awesome is that?!

  22. I guess that makes me a minority. Am I for real what?

  23. Glad you like it :-)

    And I read you like HP Lovecraft stuff. Try Rats In The Wall, The Outsider. Some neat stuff.

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