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Posts posted by Redington

  1. the dream theme:


    Spacetime Continuum - Alien Dreamtime


    Juno Reactor - Bible of Dreams


    Steve Roach - Dreamtime Return


    Yagya - Will I Dream During The Process?


    Dark Nebula - Dreamfuel


    You forgot to put Dreamfish in there. ^_^





    As for me, ingenuous album names as in I like them for aesthetic purposes or because they're funny/smart in some way? I'm guessing you're leaning towards the latter.



    Aphex Twin - ...I Care Because You Do


    Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious


    Woob - Planet Woob


    Sienis - Seriously Unserious

  2. True and it's a huge dilemma as there's no way for any company or artist to stop it. I have pirated photoshop too. I couldn't afford the original for leisure use, but even if it was only $20 I'd probably still pirate it instead.


    Putting more value and focus into the physical product is probably the best option right now to interest people in buying it, ie. making lovely 20 page booklets and digipaks.


    Maybe Ayn Rand wasn't completely useless, I see parallels between this and Atlas Shrugged. Maybe the internet will become a wasteland in the future and artists will only play their music live.


    That or real regulations will eventually be created, or new values put into society (by radical methods).


    It will be interesting to watch it unfold. I need to pirate as much as possible while the going's good. ;)

    Are you that damn cheap that you wouldn't buy photoshop if it was only 20 dollars? I would buy that shindig in a heartbeat if it was that much! What's the current price for it right now? 600 USD?

  3. I have a self obtained promo :P


    But I would consider after first listen a little bit incoherent, some parts are great! And overall I don't it exceeds any of the previous albums.


    Perhaps. But if it's anything like the third album (which to some degree it is), it'll take a little while for it all to sink in (or notice everything). Maybe people will love it, maybe they won't. *shrug*


    I'm going to like it as much as I've heard so far.

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