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Posts posted by Melancholyman

  1. Today I finally got enough money to buy Bluetech Prima Materia + Elementary particles and Sines and Singluarites. Yes I am a downloader but if it is an album I appreciate I always buy it sooner or later. Now I just can't wait to get my mail :) I once bought all infected albums up to I'm the supervisor also, and then unfortunately I had a break in in my car (where all the cds were9 and poff they were gone....after that I still liten to infrected ofc oon mp3 and I don't find I have to buy all the albums once more, though I would wish to just to have them in my bookcase...

  2. So you are actually listening both to Bluetech and to Holymen?


    Ofc :) I try to expand my musical universe n both ends as far as I can.

    Seems strange to me that u consider it strange hehe....

  3. Hi guys I'm new here and it seems to be a really nice site for psychadelic minded people. So off to my first topic, the debut album from Team 18, wich is Holymen and Indra fused together. I am really excited about this album, but it doesen't seem to be released yet or is it? U can buy it of psyshop so I figure it should be released or is there anywhere u are able to hear samples from this album.


    Rofl, sry mates how stupid can I be, ofc there are samples on psyshop, somehow it just escaped my mind and view...

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