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Soundforge advice needed ?


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didn't exactly know which subforum but the goal is music promotion


everytime I record a mix with soundforge on my computer ,

you know the green bars telling you how hard you play are too high and my mix is not good recorded,

I can keep them low but then I have to mix not loud, what is not fun,


I tried everything on my mixer and my second mixer, both attached the sound goes trough bote and then to my pc to record and my amplifier offcourse...

I use the second one to master the sound perfectly, so the first one is perfect for mixing and has more mixing skills.

I tried everything, every combination on each,

the gainvolume, the mastervolume, nothing helps,


checked all the options in soundforge,


did I miss it ?


anyone who can help ?


thanx in advance...


this is record picture,

the geen bars are at at 6 when I normal play, so imagine if put the bass a little bit harder those bars go in to red and then the recording is totally wasted,


have been looking for a while maybe it's very simple but don't find it...


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