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Posts posted by ElendarSilvermoon

  1. First post here, might as well do this before anything. ^_^


    1) What programs you use, and any hardware instruments, midi controllers, etc (PC Specs too)? FL Studio 6 and alot of free vsts I picked up. I've actually been using the 3xOsc for alot of my synthesis lately. I have collection of waveforms from various hardware synths that I load into there and use in there to make the oscillators sound nice and analog-ish. As far as the computer, this is just an old 800mhz junker that's a temp until I get my own computer set up.


    2) On average, how long does it take you to build and finish a Song?

    As long as it takes. Depends on how picky I am on the particular song. It can take me as little as a few hours to years to actually finish an idea.


    3) Which parts do you find tedious when building your track (if any), if it pattern sequencing, automation, etc?

    Usually just getting it to sound right is my main difficulty. I'm a major perfectionist at times.


    4) Where did the inspiration come from to start producing music?

    Just listened to music all my life and wondered what it would be like to be on the other side of the music, actually creating it.


    5) AND Your favourite style to produce?

    Whatever comes to my head when I sit down. The other day I was making jazzy funk sort of stuff to take my mind off the other stuff I was working on at the moment. So it varies. I mostly worth with classical and ambient stuff nowadays though. Just go with the flow pretty much.

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