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Posts posted by robinjhughes0

  1. Thanks kathmandu, but Big Fish (Sony pictures 2003) isn't the right movie either (although the plot does revolve around a father and son). Or is there another Big Fish?


    I've remembered another scene from the mistery film: During the imaginary journey, there is a small sailing ship, "pirate" style, captained solo by a shirtless old man of the sea type who juggles with his knifes.

    At the end of the film, when the reality is revealed, we see this man again - he is a juggler at the rave.

  2. Thanks for the information people - I'll get those movies and have a look - they both sound interesting even if they aren't what I'm after....


    I know at least one other person who saw the film at the festival, so there is a reasonable chance my memory is vaguely OK!

  3. Thanks for replying. I don't know if it was commercially released, but it was certainly a (semi) professional production - it was beautifully shot, and the list of credits at the end was quite long. If only I could remember some of the names!


    I do remember that at the end of the film it said that the lead actress died in an accident after they finished filming.


    Does anyone know who did the cinema stage for the Solipse 2001 festival? I emailed solipse a year ago but they didn't reply.

  4. Hi


    Can anyone identify a film with the follwoing plot:


    A guy goes to a trance party in the tropics (probably Goa), and takes some drugs. He then goes on a trip, searching for his father, on a beautifully shot imaginary journey during which he encounters many different characters. The final scene of the film reveals what really happened: he was actually just stumbling around at the trance party, and all the people he met on his journey (trip) were in reality people he bumped into at the rave.

    The soundtrack to the film included trance classics from the likes of The Man With No Name, etc. i.e. music from the mid nineties onwards.


    The film was shown at the Solipse festival in 2001, in Zambia. Sadly I didn't manage to get any details about it. I'd love to see it again, it was something special!


    Can anyone help!?



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