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Status Updates posted by Charlie

  1. he has a pretty birkenau-figure! but still.. i stick to the pudding-fact

  2. he like gayish folk's from gayone island in rectumus atoll.

  3. heh. reger.. i read today something about feathers vibrating body-machine.. i wonder if he vibrates it in his hole while plaing doom 3.. and i think radish will get one too.

  4. Hello Charlie! :) xx

  5. hello gorgeous!!

    What a glorious day it has been!!


  6. Hello Rez, why did you delete the comment I left in your profile. Do you dislike me now?

  7. heres the right one:

    you know, the gloves, and the hand, you put a gloves on the hand and they fit perfect, little typo there, you illiterate monkey.

  8. Hey lovely! how are you? :)) x

  9. hey!

    your picture is a color-blindness test for schoolchildren, right?

    or is it reger on there:D?

  10. Hip Hip.... Hooray.

  11. hmm.. the longer the beard, the more berries.. + lots of sunshine(:

  12. hmm.. well, thats lovely, but i got a better deal.. so you better grow eyes to your neck also, if you want to see me coming;)

  13. Holiday was lovely, thanks, PJ. Was nice to get some sunshine as it seems allergic to the British Isles.

  14. how come your rating is only 4?

  15. how have you lost a star? tried to make it right and it wont let me....never mind...

    maybe its coz you leaving?

  16. how the fu*k did you know, reger? wanna join, we could do something together:D


  17. Hugs returned to you, Heva. Have you watched that DVD I sent you yet? I bet you haven't.

  18. i added you as a friend, now you have to pay me! and if you don't accept, you have to pay more.. to reger too.


    ok, honestly, you seem to be quite okay.

  19. I answered your question in my own profile. I try to capture the essence of moments with video. Grass, lights, wind, etc. You do any video stuff?

  20. I can see your comments but I cant approve them .. fricking wierd !!1 .. now its beginning to annoy me as well.

  21. I can't help but cum when you're around - you sexy beast.

  22. i cant beat a woman, you pooch, its not as common as in your village.

  23. I do need something to repel reger, it's true. Something like a spear or maybe a machine gun.

  24. I don't come on at the weekends as I'm out train spotting and collecting rare stamps.

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