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Status Updates posted by Charlie

  1. now hows that possible?

  2. now now some negativity never hurt anybody ^^It is part of a positive atmosphere in the workplace

  3. now where did mister T go <_<?

  4. Now, im please to say, that im squeezing your from your own comment box, njoy, a-cum-mulator!

  5. nurbs should consider changing his name into n00bs

    i reckon you agree with me, charles?

  6. nurbs, youre not funny! and btw - charlie left me respnsible for his profile while hes absent, so no whoring here while hes not around :ph34r:

  7. oh and charlie, i was about to give you ottos home number, but ive changed my mind.

  8. oh and i granted you back your 5 stars, no more 1 star rating to you, charles :D

  9. oh and i think ive found a new way to expand this box-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  10. oh my.... /giggles and feels confused

  11. Oh wait, this is some kind of room....keep going

  12. oh yes i will !! or maybe i could buy you something from the ten euros you owe me .. btw india pak 20/20 finals today :yay:

  13. Oh, and for the record, my brother had a wonderful time when I dated him.

  14. Oh, and for you it's only $2.50. :D

  15. Oh, I thought you were calling me Mr T on account I'm black and wear around 4 kilos of jewelry.

  16. oh, ok then, i hope you will both be very happy!!

    Why hate wednesdays?

  17. Oh, you should definately destroy other people's comment boxes otherwise I may consider reporting you for discrimination.

  18. ok, better dont, i see only one comment repeated numerous times <_<

  19. ok, charles, i think ive found the most historical pwnage of all times in history of psynews comments:


    its rezniks profile, my response to your "uncle-attack" -_-

  20. ok, ill give you 2 then, deal?

  21. ok, urbandictionary said so, i just wanted to know whether you arent one of those devils liquid injecting antichrists :ph34r:

  22. Okay, I just read the full quote in Goazz's profile but I still don't get it. What's the 'glow' bit about? I think you've been sniffing that salt (again).

  23. once again, im forced to post in this shoutbox to remind you charles once again, that regers shoutbox isnt your moms shoutbox, it concerns your last two comments especially. i hope no further mistakes will be made.

  24. one date with your mother and i migh, MIGH reconsider :D

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