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Posts posted by KYLdubstep

  1. Those are some kick ass examples of stuff I like, thanks for that.


    Any CDs out I could buy which have tracks along that style?


    Ever heard of SKisM? He makes dubstep, but it sounds really dark & filthy. SKisM- Elixer <----that should do it.
  2. i was thinking about this the other day. I feel like a lot of growing music cultures are huge parts of counter culture. HipHop was once very counter culture. You wouldn't see your mum bumping NWA in her car. Eventually to wash out the counter culture, the mainstream (hollywood?) hypes up its mainstream versions, and this causes it to go downhill. Selling out the idea of hiphop was what created this horrible pop culture/hiphop scene i see in the states (im from California). Making everything family friendly so they could make more $$$. & i see the same things happening to EDM. Some burnt out names that come to mind for me would be like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, LMFAO, Justin Beiber, David Guetta, Kanye West, and pretty much anyone else you see in this 'spotlight'. I think they make cool music, but i dont think thats the only reason they stay in the eye of the media. Iv heard so many artists that I honestly believe have more talent but they dont get nearly the recognition some of these other artists do. I feel mainstream TV spotlight is an illusion, while artists might think they can get big like that, I think its only a show created to present to the public this celebrity image.

  3. My names Ryan, im from San Diego & this is my first post on this forum. Iv been making dubstep for a little over a year, and im really just trying to search for new ideas that incorporate psytrance into my projects. Im happy to share ideas & ill be a new active member of the forum. here's a couple of my tracks, I also have some more psy-style tracks i will upload soon. Is there any other music producers on this forum that combine dubstep & psytrance? take care, cheers.

    Drake- Best I Ever Had (KYL bootleg)

    KYLdubstep- TeK-19

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