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Posts posted by Milosz

  1. We have decided to organize this festival at the end of August for all those freaks who still haven't enough after two months of fantastic festivals all over Europe.


    The exact location has yet to be decided on, watch this space.


    As for the lineup, we will present you some of the most advanced psychedelic artists of today as well as some underground projects. There will also be a chill area and a cultural area.


    Details of the line-up will be published on the relevant message boards and on our homepage (http://www.usp-online.ch) one by one as time passes by (at least one artist will be revealed each week between X-Mas and the end of June).


    Suggestions for dark undeground projects that deserve to reach a wider audience are always welcome. Also, if you think there is a popular act who hasn't played in Central Europe (ever or for a long time) let me know and I'll see what we can do.


    Stay tuned!

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