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Posts posted by psybuyer

  1. What's your favorite subgenre? My favorite is goa, and I rarely hear any hint of melancholy or darkness in goa. But of course I believe that a listener's perception of a song has little to do with the artist's intention.


    I think most good goa trance has ups and downs, not just trying to be complete euphoria. Dimension 5, Pleidians, Chi-AD, etc. Music that tries to be just happy is very superficial sounding crap, and some goa is that too.
  2. OK I can say this is a great album after many listens, but must be played in a calm mood and quiet environment. I love the darkness of this music, it's very sad and at times disgusting. Great hypnotic rhythm with little details. All the tracks flow together nicely.


    I won't say it's the best release ever because technically it's not that great, but I love it.

  3. Circular-Substans is a bad album.


    This one... is just great! Sure we are greedy and always want more new tracks, but at least the already used tracks here fit in perfectly with the new material. And it's overall excellent. Top quality.

  4. Beautiful CD. It reminds me of the Hunab Ku album, one or two of the melodies are from there directly. But it's a lot more chilled. It's nice to see goa trance like this that isn't trying to be super hardcore with 50 melodies at once. I hope we can get some more great chilled goa trance in the future, it is really some of my favorite stuff though there's only a couple CDs that have ever bothered.

  5. Thank you for notifying us and good luck. I am interested in the Carbon Based Lifeform CDs myself. Can you tell me if the source files for the CDs were high quality or only 128kbps mp3s as appears to be the case with many other mp3.com releases?


    Thank You,


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