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Posts posted by BanMeIfMarsAndAnoebisRGays

  1. I am sure that in the future, I will probably hear it better and like it.


    If there's one thing I noticed, it's you need big high quality speakers to really appreciate lots of this music. Unfortunately I don't have any.

  2. Anyway: suffice to say, there are some genres(or subgenres) that are easier to produce than others most definitely. However, definitely can't look just at how much stuff is going on in the track. A more detailed analysis for why a genre is easy/hard to produce is necassary.


    I'm not sure this is true.


    At any stage in a track the question is,


    Can you add more layers to it and make the result sound better rather than worse?


    It definitely takes to skills to layer more sounds in your arrangement.


    That said, it's conceivable that some music doesn't need to have more layers, and the artists can focus on using what they have as best they can.

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