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d.N.i ...Moonsun recs...

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Posts posted by d.N.i ...Moonsun recs...

  1. MoonSun Records Presents



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    Presentation of cd



    Cosmo dark compiled by d.N.i


    Cosmo dark is a cd compiled from friends that help and support the dark world of music

    we all have reached a piont for music to be our main lives every day so we would like u to jion this experience

    with us and get into out dark minds,thank u to all that support us and been with us all this time.



    Title: Cosmo dark compiled by d.N.i

    Artist: VA

    Label: Moonsun Records

    Catalog Number - MSUCD008

    Mastering by d.n.i

    Art Design by Impacto7

    Distribution World wide - Arabesque



    Track List


    1 - Cannibal Holocaust - Espiritu Bufo Rana 142 w&p Milan Milosev and Nicifor Zlatic 142 @ Cannibal Holocaust Studio, Cakac - Serbia

    2 - Kerberos and Moonsun - black heart - MMP RMX 156 w&p Nicholas Grey @ Moonsun Studio, Athens - Greece

    3 - Gorump Peyya - Prepare For Trip 156 w&p Metodi Kocev @ Gorump Peyya Studio, Strumica - Macedonia

    4 - MMP - Night mare on elf street 156 w&p Nicholas Grey @ Moonsun Studio Athens - Greece

    5 - Jesus Raves - Hirurgija 160 w&p Zdravko Gladovic @ Jesus Ravers Studio, Sabac - Serbia

    6 - d.N.i Jamming in The Darkness v2 152 w&p Adolfo Usier Leite @ d.N.i Studio, Murcia - Spain

    7 - Hagenith - Unreal world bpm 150 w&p Andrej Tasevski @ Hagenith Studio, Kuamanovo - Macedonia

    8 - MMP - Planet Dark 156 w&p Nickolas Grey @ Moonsun Studio , Athens - Greece

    9 - SampleBugs - Happy Bean w&p Igor Kopatsef & Vrahiologlou Giorgos 153bpm

    10 - d.N.i - Horror Crime 148 w&p Adolfo Usier Leite @ d.N.i Studio, Murcia - Spain





    Thanxxx Alll !!

  2. MoonSun Records Presents



    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    Presentation of cd



    Cosmo dark compiled by d.N.i


    Cosmo dark is a cd compiled from friends that help and support the dark world of music

    we all have reached a piont for music to be our main lives every day so we would like u to jion this experience

    with us and get into out dark minds,thank u to all that support us and been with us all this time.



    Title: Cosmo dark compiled by d.N.i

    Artist: VA

    Label: Moonsun Records

    Catalog Number - MSUCD008

    Mastering by Sidhartha Studio @ Porto, Portugal

    Art Design by Impacto7

    Distribution World wide - Arabesque



    Track List


    1 - Cannibal Holocaust - Espiritu Bufo Rana w&p Milan Milosev and Nicifor Zlatic 142

    @ Cannibal Holocaust Studio, Cakac - Serbia


    2 - d.N.i - 666 The Devil's Floor w&p Adolfo Usier Leite 150

    @ d.N.i (BR) Studio, Murcia - Spain


    3 - Gorump Peyya - Prepare For Trip w&p Metodi Kocev 156

    @ Gorump Peyya Studio, Strumica - Macedonia


    4 - Kerberos and Moonsun - black heart - MMP RMX w&p Nicholas Grey 156

    @ Moonsun Studio, Athens - Greece


    5 - MMP - Night mare on elf street w&p Nicholas Grey 156

    @ Moonsun Studio Athens - Greece


    6 - Jesus Raves - Hirurgija w&p Zdravko Gladovic 160

    @ Jesus Ravers Studio, Sabac - Serbia


    7 - Hagenith - Unreal world bpm w&p Andrej Tasevski 150

    @ Hagenith Studio, Kuamanovo - Macedonia


    8 - MMP - Planet Dark w&p Nickolas Grey 156

    @ Moonsun Studio , Athens - Greece


    9 - SampleBugs - Happy Bean w&p Igor Kopatsef & Vrahiologlou Giorgos 153

    @ Sample Bugs Studio, Evtos, Greece


    10 - d.N.i - Horror Crime w&p Adolfo Usier Leite 151

    @ d.N.i Studio, Murcia - Spain

  3. Nice track man. I am always looking for demo/promo/unreleased tracks, and this is the first time i have heard yours. I noticed you havent gotten a lot of feedback. Perhaps you should post it elsewhere like isratrance, tribe, or another site. I enjoyed your track very much so. In my opinion its borderline dark. Your organic sounds are catchy, and your more mechanical sounds are groovy. The only thing I did not like about the track (and this is only due to my personal taste) is the lack of growth throughout the song. I truely enjoy when you can scan though a song and hear it evolve as you progress further into it. Other than that very good job. Is this your first track opened for the public? Where are you from? I hope this helped. And thanx for the free track http://www.psynews.org/forums/style_emotic...lt/rolleyes.gif



    hi man nice and thanks for your coments.. I have tracks oppened for the public in >>> www.myspace.com/dnipsydark , www.trancemoon.com and www.twistedsessions.com/artists/88. I have any tracks in isratrance, tripplag and outers... i realy liked this coment. i am from brazil and live in spain, and this track as released at psydom records brazil in february, check is > http://www.psydomtrance.blogspot.com/ or www.myspace.com/psydom in there have the album the first psychedelic trip volume 2 with the track simple saw, and the psychedelic trip vol 3 with the track dr freak... well, thanks for all coments and thank you lexi.. any feedback ???? thanks guys.. cheers from brazil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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