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Survey of entity encounter experiences occasioned by inhaled N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT)


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Pretty interesting answers to the open-ended answering questions in the questionnaire:

"Table 6. Open-ended written responses to the question regarding the message, task, mission, purpose, or insight received from the encounter with the being or entity.a

Theme and descriptionExemplar quoteNumber of respondents (percentage of total sample, n=2561)

Idiosyncratic information
Idiosyncratic messages or insights not otherwise captured in themes; vague, non-specific communications or insights“He was teaching me the rules/regulations of the NFL.”
“She said ‘you’ve finally found me’.”703 (27%)

Personal insight
Insight into personal behaviors, emotions, relationships, or life purpose; specific instruction or task pertaining to the aforementioned“I learned that when I resist uncomfortable emotions, I am selling myself short of the possibility to learn and grow.”
“It was on a personal level as I had been struggling with addiction of opiates at the time. She basically told me that I really needed to cut it out of my life because all it will bring is pain. I had not previously thought negatively about my use of opiates before this encounter.”571 (22%)

Message, insight, or task related to love, kindness, compassion, or benevolence“Love is the answer to everything."
“The message and insight is that our purpose is to love each other.”409 (16%)

Task, instruction, or command not related to other themes; may be within or outside of the DMT experience; often idiosyncratic in nature“Worship me.”
“Telepathically: ‘Do not tell anyone about this’.”280 (11%)

Message about being safe or protected“It told me that everything was okay.”
“I was being reassured that I was safe.”259 (10%)

Message about the interconnectedness of the universe and/or all beings; sense of oneness or connection to the entity; realization that separateness, self, or ego are illusory“This experience was them showing me that we are all connected, all one.”
“The insight I received was that everyone and everything is connected.”180 (7%)

Message or insight about death, afterlife, pre-birth state, or reincarnation“That this space was the after-death state.”
“There was insight that death is not the end.”168 (7%)

Message about general knowledge or information; receiving general knowledge; task to spread, share, or pursue knowledge“The entity was showing me knowledge.”
“Learn and educate myself.”161 (6%)

Greeting, valediction, or reprimand
Being welcomed or invited; being told farewell; being told to leave, or that one is not ready for the experience“The message I received was, welcome.”
“The message was to go back to my planet as it was not my time to be in that amazing golden white sea of consciousness.”104 (4%)

Prediction about the future, not related to other themes“I thought about a missing zippo lighter for some reason and they flashed to me where it was and after I came back, I went to that spot deep inside a couch and grabbed it perfectly, it was unreal.”
“The being communicated to me that future DMT experiences would more or less be the same as the one I was experiencing.”99 (4%)

Message or insight about God(s) or deities“I was essentially told that I was God.”
“It telepathically gave me information that said this being was in service of God.”66 (3%)

Veridicality of DMT space
Message or insight that the DMT space is more real than everyday reality; everyday reality is an illusion, simulation, or dream“That the reality I perceive is more like a hallucination and that the true reality is better represented from the encounter with these beings. That the DMT reality is more real than the perceived world I inhabit.”
“There was an indescribably powerful notion that this dimension in which the entity and I convened was infinitely more ‘real’ than the consensus reality I usually inhabit. It felt truer than anything else I’d ever experienced.”52 (2%)"

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Nice insights there, hugely interesting  :+1:

Table 7 is statistically less significant, but bears interesting insights aswell:

Table 7. Open-ended written responses to the question regarding the prediction about the future received through the encounter with the being or entity.

Theme and description    Exemplar quote    Number of respondents (percentage of total sample, n=2561)

Personal life event
Predictions about relationships, personal behaviors, or one’s life path or purpose    
“I was shown how my life will be without my addiction and how my loved ones will suffer less. I was shown past mistakes and how to rectify them.”
“I was shown the way my life was heading into further depression and potential suicide and how it would impact my family and I was going to be alone unless I made some changes.”    
156 (6%)

Transpersonal, interdimensional, or extraterrestrial (ET) event
Predictions about transpersonal, interdimensional, or extraterrestrial occurrences; predictions about advancements in consciousness or technology    
“There is going to be a clear distinct divide and a restructuring of society with the assistance of ET consciousness. The lower vibrational humans are going to be phased out and replaced.”
“We’ll break strings apart and discover yet another universe within them, and so forth. And we shall continue to look outwardly and find multiple universes, the multi-multi-trans-dimensional-matrix of a multi-universal multi-verse which is a never-ending fractal of infinite complexity.”    
64 (3%)

Negative state of the world
Predictions or warnings about a negative future state of humanity, the world, or the universe; predictions about natural disasters, wars, or destruction   

“That humanity would destroy our world and other worlds.”
“The earth will be slowly consumed and destroyed by the human race due to greed.”    
63 (2%)

Idiosyncratic prediction
Predictions that did not meet criteria for any other theme; vague predictions, not otherwise specified    
“There will be a storm before the calm.”
“I saw my future self through its eyes.”    
62 (2%)

Predictions about the afterlife    
“That death is just the beginning of another greater universe.”
“The main future prediction was concerning my consciousness. That it will continue on after I die.”    
54 (2%)

Positive state of the world
Predictions about an improving state of humanity, the world, or the universe; achieving world peace or harmony    
“That the future of humanity was that we would exist in perfect symbiosis with one another.”
“They told me that true peace would be achieved in a matter of decades, once this was achieved, they would reveal themselves to the world.”    
33 (1%)

General predictions that “everything will be okay,” “all will be well,” or “there will be nothing to worry about”; predictions that there is nothing to fear in the future    
“All will be well.”
“It’s all going to be okay.”    
32 (1%)

Dying/timing of death
Predictions about when an individual will die; predictions about death that do not refer to the afterlife    
“I will die in my 60s from something I can prevent.”
“I was told the day I am going to die. June 27th, 2067.”    
26 (1%)

Meeting again
Predictions that an individual will meet the entity again or return to the DMT space    
“That I will return there.”
“If I learn to wait, I will see him again.”    
19 (1%)

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@RTP Yeah this one in particular resonates profoundly, as if reality itself is a living entity explaining to its inhabitating time-space limited creatures what the future holds:

"Transpersonal, interdimensional, or extraterrestrial (ET) event
Predictions about transpersonal, interdimensional, or extraterrestrial occurrences; predictions about advancements in consciousness or technology    
“There is going to be a clear distinct divide and a restructuring of society with the assistance of ET consciousness. The lower vibrational humans are going to be phased out and replaced.”
“We’ll break strings apart and discover yet another universe within them, and so forth. And we shall continue to look outwardly and find multiple universes, the multi-multi-trans-dimensional-matrix of a multi-universal multi-verse which is a never-ending fractal of infinite complexity.”    

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