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recursion loop

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Posts posted by recursion loop

  1. On 12/1/2021 at 4:32 PM, Padmapani said:

    sonic species

    The first track of the album was haunting me for a few days, like it was something I had heard before despite I was pretty sure I hadn't.

    It turned our to be that Sonic Species track, some parts of the Altered State's one sound almost like it was an attempt at 1:1 remake



  2. 3 hours ago, Padmapani said:

    sonic species

    Yes, that too.


    3 hours ago, Padmapani said:

    skipping through the tracks sometimes the bassline stays exactly the same

    When I skip trough compilations of tracks by different producers the bassline often stays exacxtly the same.

    It's just what it is... the 2021 psy bassline. I think most newschool psy guys must credit Futurephonics and Function Loops as co-producers :) 

    • Haha 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, astralprojection said:

    i just wish it didnt sound so clinically perfect. that would make the music more interesting

    Agree with you here, it does sound very clean and transparent (and very very loud I guess) but the sound somewhat lacks warmth and substance.

    But it's the sound of today, love it or hate it... I think the music is quite decent nevertheless.

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  4. I didn't know that exact track (thanks for posting it it's great!) but I discovered Technical Hitch a while back and was quite impressed. I think it's rooted in the hi-tech subgenre, some tracks have really crazy bpms, but he adds these sublime melodies and ethnic atmospheres which takes the whole thing  to a next level 


    One of my favs (190 bpm tho!)

    A remix mix with a more "normal" bpm

    I also think Sonic Elysium has somewhat similar vibe (being in a more accessible bpm range)

    And maybe some Terrafractyl stuff (more of a "sympho-psy" ... or whatever you may call that. The common thing is that it's very melodic and doesn't stick much to the ubiquitous "psytrance formulae")


  5. On 8/15/2021 at 4:45 AM, AstralSphinx said:

    Weird that Arturia hasn’t made a SH-101 emulation yet?

    There's an excellent one from TAL (Bassline-101), as well as LUSH-101 which is loosely based on 101 with some extras

    Both play in this track - starting from 3:35 and till the end of the track, quite a bit of both as the main leads and acid lines (sorry for self-promotion but hope it fits the topic :) )


    There's also a vst plugin made by Roland themselves which is supposedly the most realistic emulation but it requires that cloud subscription crap so I never tried it.

  6. Two track EP which reflects my love to old-school melodic full-on


    This one has a somewhat goa-ish vibe with some influences from Global Sect sound, somewhere in-between full-on and newschool goa


    And this one was intended to sound like a 2005-ish full-on track with all these Access Virus sounds and the necessary trancey melody :) 

    Mastering by our forum guy Astralprojection (master@aeap.se)

    Beatport link


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  7. 4 hours ago, RTP said:

    With this, you could even do a creative move and do a "vaccine" track produced entirely with sounds from an Access Virus :P

    I made a couple of such tracks. 


    Edit: oh no, these tracks sound like crap, won't be posting them. Virus is a great synth but i suck at mixing.

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